Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This little light

I've been getting into collage a bit, and last time I was in London I had tea at the V'n'A (Victoria and Albert Museum) with a friend I've known since we were nine ( that's more than two decades)... anyway, in the giftshop (which is a fabulous giftshop) some flyers were advertising an exhibition just been. They immediately caught my attention:

What a combination of great words! I took a couple of the fliers, and when I found three little glasses for 20p each in a charity shop a week or to later, I just knew what I had to do....

All I needed was some glue, (PVA) some old patterns, some very pale pink tulle, and I cut out little pictures from old books, catalogs and fliers I'd collected, using as a focus some of the words off the poster.

Then once I was happy with how they looked I made a glaze from PVA and water, and applied a couple of coats to finish it off and seal it, and voila, some pretty little lights to make me feel happier about the dark evenings.


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