So... with my newly aquired powers of crochet, I saw a handy little tutorial on how to 'cardiganise' an old pullover. I have a bit of an (unhealthy?) obsession with cardigans.
They are just so verstile and layerable. Maybe it's from living in a climate where the weather changes in minutes, maybe it's because you can match colours really nicely with a cardigan. At present I am totally without that crucial wardrobe staple, a little black cardigan, so am being forced to range further in my choices of cardigans each day. This is a rather loud top I found in a Swiss charity shop... cardiganised!

I also have a habit of chopping the tops off things. I like necklines that you can show a scarf or necklace with, or that you can layer under other things. Usually I just leave the frayed edges raw, but now I can crochet them...

And finally.. I accidentally hot washed, tumbledried and ruined aforementioned little back cardigan. Twice. It is now unsalvagable, though its sleeves were cut off, crochet added and voila, arm warmers, which make me feel just a teensy bit less sad about its fate.

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